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Legal Report For My Roof

When it comes to building or maintaining your property, your roof is one element that should never be neglected – and the best way to make sure it’s always in good condition is to request a roof report.

Even if you have never had a legal roof report done before, you’ll be pleased to know that with the right contractor on your side, the process can be smooth and relatively stress-free.

Not sure how roof reports work or how to get one? Read on to find out more, or contact us to speak to a member of our team.

What are roof inspections?

Roof inspections involve a thorough evaluation of every component of your roof – from the functional components like vents and downspouts to the tiles on the surface. Roof inspections should always be performed by a qualified professional with the knowledge and experience to detect both existing and potential problems on the spot.

Even if you already get regular roof inspections, it’s important that you learn how to detect signs of impending damage so that you can prevent problems from escalating. Common signs of trouble on the roof exterior include broken or missing tiles, rusty metal in the plumbing vents, and loose or exposed nails, while on the interior roof, you may notice leaking, sagging, or wet spots.

What is a legal report for my roof?

The main purpose of a legal report is to evaluate the level of wear and tear in your roof in preparation for possible repairs. The report will detail the condition of the timber or steel that forms the internal structure as well as the material that forms the outer structure.

Why do I need one?

It’s important to have semi-regular roof inspections and reporting done because roofs, like every other element of your home, deteriorate over time and need repair. In fact, it’s generally recommended that you have your roof inspected on an annual basis.

The fact that the roof is a crucial structural element of your home makes this a safety issue as well as an aesthetic decision, and one which could make a big difference to the value of your home.

By booking in early, you can get in early and avoid the future expense of existing damages. You can also identify opportunities to save money now and in the future by replacing your existing roofing material with sturdier, more sustainable materials.

How do I get a legal report for my roof?

To get a legal report for your roof, you’ll need to contact a roofing inspector. These professionals are trained specifically to identify roofing problems, new and existing, and provide advice on the best approach to repairs. Regular inspections also give you the opportunity to pick up on potential problems early, prolonging the life of your roof and minimising the cost of repairs in the long-term.

Contact the roof reporting experts at Taylor’D Roofing and Cladding

At Taylor’D Roofing and Cladding, our team specialises in all aspects of building and maintaining roofing. Whether you need repairs for roof leakages, gutters, or whirlybirds, or you’re ready to install a whole new roof, we’re here to help and ensure you a stress-free process. When you’re ready to get started, call us on 08 7223 2375 or use our contact page to submit a job request and get a quote. We can’t wait to hear from you! 

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